It's The End To A Goodbye...

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Hello Blogging World!!

By now I'm pretty sure you're all wondering what this blog is about... As I have previously told you all, I tend to try and keep parts of my life private as it's not healthy for me to share absolutely everything with you all... Eventually, when I feel like the time is right then I will come out of my shell and explain parts...

Only, a year ago today things were totally different. But things happen for a reason!

Scott and I have parted, I have seen a lot of your messages wondering what's going on etc... Well it's time for me to explain little parts to you all.. I'm not going to sit here and disclose everything as that stays between Scott and I.

Did I see it coming? No. I didn't at all! I don't believe Scott did either however it is what it is.

I turned to you all for some sort of closure I guess. It's a very confusing situation and I guess we have all been in a place before, where we didn't understand parts of our lives to some degree.

But hey let's not dwell on the past let's set sail to the future!!

I'm happy and I wish Scott the best with his university courses too. We both deserve to be happy and personally I feel like having reached this point of wishing the best etc and not having any bad emotions towards any of us is a really good thing.

Every girl and every boy goes through an angry stage of wondering what if's or buts or almost a hate stage. Again, I don't know if he has reached that stage however I know I haven't.

Cutting contact from the person you loved and getting used to different routines is so important!

Pick up your crown and remember you're who you're and you always will be! Don't be afraid of failure, people fall sometimes and it's what makes them stronger!

I would love to say a massive thank you to my best friend Lizzie, my mum and family members for being so supportive through a difficult time. Plus a massive thank you too all my friends who have chipped in to help make me smile!

So thank you, I wouldn't be as strong as I am without you all!

For now, I am sure you can understand I am taking some time for myself.... I have lots of things to look forward too! Keeping yourselves busy is very important and looking out for your loved ones is the most important thing!

Keep yourselves happy!!



Motivational Quotes...

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Hello everyone!

How has your week been so far? Mine has been pretty manic so I am really happy that I have some downtown to blog!

I couldn't resist sharing this 'Tuesday' logo with you all as it's so wordy and out there. I love it!!

Anyway, a dear friend of mine has been really supportive and kind towards me recently. I couldn't resist sharing this motivational quote with you all considering Jonathan shared it with me and I absolutely love it! So thank you Jon!

As the quote was really inspiring for me, I felt the need to share it with you all!

Life is full of so many beautiful reasons to be happy!

During life, there will be many obstacles which you're faced with but no matter what you will become stronger and rise above your obstacles... Just be positive and keep that smile on your beautiful face.

Most importantly, be happy! We all deserve to be happy!

Oh and I forgot to mention, I've gone blonder....

Keep an eye out for new blog posts coming right up your street soon....

Anya Marie Ball x


Focusing On Yourself...

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Good evening everyone, I thought I would post another blog as I'm on a roll today ha-ha!

I honestly seem to have an obsession with finding 'Sunday pictures' right now.

Autumn is most definitely here, it's becoming those cosy warm nights where I find myself cuddled up watching the TV... There's definitely no chance of me turning down a nice chilled evening in with my family, a cup of tea and telly!!

For those of you girlies or boys out there who enjoy watching 'Towie', well guess what? It's finally back tonight which makes me really excited.... I can't wait to watch it!

Anyway, so I want to apologise for not blogging a lot recently. If I am honest, a lot of things have changed and happened in my life which were unexpected and unplanned but hey-ho that's life for you!

My point is, I am back and I am focused more than ever. I aim to post at least two or three blogs a week.... But then again you know me and you know sometimes I get so caught up with work or other things etc.

None the less, I thought it was important to remind you all that you need time for yourself.

It's important to take the time for yourselves, don't be afraid of putting your phone down for an hour as trust me social media's can wait! But also, finding time for what you fancy doing.

Just focus on yourself, surround yourselves around the people who care about you...

Live your life!

Anya Marie Ball x

Suffering With Anxiety...

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Hey my lovelies,

So it's been a few days since I last posted a blog. I guess I've been readjusting to changes in my life which have recently taken place. Again, I'm really sorry - I don't always feel I can quite openly share every single detail with you all.

Though, at some point I may feel ready to share that part of my life... Who knows? Only time will tell...

Please, just have some patience with me and fellow bloggers... Sometimes, it's really tough to share everything online.

For me, its most definitely had to be a lazy Sunday considering it was a late night out last night with my work girlies... Cough, it looks like I over did the drink once again! Oh Anya!

Anyway, I will fill you all in with the last few days on another post. I thought it was more important to share something that has a big place in my heart and that would be anxiety.

I have never really sat down and been overly open with talking about anxiety but recently it's hit me that I should be more open with discussing what it's like to live with anxiety etc.

I know of many people who suffer with anxiety and find it hard to discuss it. 

In fact, a lot of bloggers deal with anxiety too and that's why it's so important to remind you that we have our separate little lives that sometimes needs to be left alone.

Honestly, we all go through similar worries during our lives and it's important to remind ourselves that everything is and will be okay.

From my perspective, I deal with being anxious about doing something wrong at work or from dressing wrongly or from even not applying my makeup the right way.

I think the little things are the worst for me as they make me anxious and worry.

It's hard as there have been plenty of times where I would prefer to hideaway in bed all day instead of facing new opportunities. It's the idea of fear, I find myself fearing new things or feeling like people are judging...

I find myself trapping myself into situations. I also find myself hiding from change, when actually sometimes change is what's needed...

Sometimes change is what's needed. You need to remind yourselves that!

Don't be afraid of change!

You never know what's around the corner...

Much Love As Always,

Anya Marie Ball x


Finding The Perfect Date Look Which Makes You Feel Sexy | Working with Adore Me...

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Hey everyone, so for me I couldn't wait to share this feature online with you all.

In fact, I have been dying to post this feature online and I really do hope you can be as excited as I am when I tell you the news... From the title of the blog post I'm sure your aware of what the blogs based around...

I was contacted by a lady called; Katie Jordan, who works for a beautiful lingerie website called: Adore Me!! When I read the email, I was extremely excited that Katie had contacted me with the hope of making a blog post like this. It's right up my street and I feel really honoured that you contacted me. So thank you!

Take a little look at Adore Me's website, I've become really obsessed with lingerie on the website as they're all so beautiful... Adore Me!

So I was asked to share and create a few different outfit inspirations of mine that I would wear on a date night...

Fall is all about pretty colours, bold statements and pretty sunsets.

I've paired two simple but bold looks for your date nights girlies! Enjoy them and love every single second of them! Pink is definitely made to make the boys wink!

Although, going for a bolder colour is very elegant for us ladies! Not forgetting, the over the knee boots which look incredible.

Remind yourselves ladies, you're all beautiful and we all have our incredible sexy ways! Don't be afraid to show off your curves!

Get yourself dressed for your date night girlies ❤️️

Date night 2

Let me know which is your favourite look.

AB x


Picking Up The Pieces...

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Hey everyone, are you enjoying your lazy Sunday just like I am?...


As I have sat and explained many of times before just because I'm a blogger that doesn't mean I post everything and share my life story online... It's not actually that interesting, so you aren't really missing out on a lot ha-ha!!

Most of you who are reading this right now may most likely know. I'm not deliberately hiding anything from you all, it's just sometimes we all like to have our own privacy to deal with things, hold our heads up high and move on from things.

Life is truly a lesson that we all learn from. No matter how hurt we all feel through situations, you wouldn't come out stronger if you didn't fight or feel pain!

What's important to remember is; their are people who are always in a less fortunate situation than yourselves. Think of those.

I'm not saying to hideaway from your situations, I'm saying to let time mend.

My most favourite saying, 'Things Happen For A Reason' - no matter how lost you feel because you can't understand why things have changed... Put your focus on yourself.

Find time for yourself, don't become somebody your not as that's really not attractive.

But most importantly enjoy yourself. Have fun with your loved ones and make time for yourself.

Don't waste your time thinking what if or to even consider what may happen during your future.

Trust me, there is absolutely no point in thinking about anything like this due to the fact that nobody knows... Only time will tell.

Keep yourselves surrounded by friends... Focus on your happiness and then things will fall into place the way they should.

I know each and every single day their is someone feeling heartbroken so mainly this is for you girls or boys out there right now who need a shoulder to cry on! Trust me, you will get through this. It's not the end of the world, it may feel like it is but it's not!

Your lives are only just beginning!

Much Love Everyone,

AB x

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