A Balmain Office/Autumn look 😘

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Good evening everyone, how has your Monday been? Good I hope. 

Image result for monday tumblr quotes

So I thought I would up the game a little bit by changing the mood completely from the previous blog I posted. 

Although, before I do so - I would just like to share a massive thank you with you all as the feedback from the blog I posted last night was really positive... It's made me feel a lot happier to know that I have made some of you feel comfortable in speaking about how you feel. 

Anyway, shall we move on?...

A Balmain office/Autumn look 😘 by anyaaa04 featuring a cross body

If you guys have forgotten, every outfit post or interior post I share with you all on the blog is posted on  my Polyvore app. So be sure to head over to give me a cheeky little follow on Polyvore ha-ha! 

With having a week off work, I thought I would spend more time on sharing new outfit posts as there are so many beautiful trends right now.! 

With the Autumn fashion appearing everywhere right now I thought it would be important for me to share a few little looks that I think are bang on trend! 

Office wear, is a massive look in everyone's closet... But that doesn't mean we can't style the look up!! 

So why not follow a look like mine? 

We all know that over the knee boots are a must have! 

Pairing those with a crop jumper and a black leather skirt will look incredible!! 

But let's not forget the blazer, lipstick and handbag!! 

I hope you all enjoy the look as much as I do! 

Take care for now... 

Lots of love, 

AB x

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1 comment

  1. Oh, my monday is so boring... I must go to my office and work very hard. A lot of documents...

    mau thiet ke biet thu dep
    thiet ke nha
