First ever SnOg in Majorca 2016...

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Well hello everybody, I hope you're all doing well.

After, a long thought process with many hesitations mainly due to being anxious of the unknown. So many questions floating around in a little bubble in my head; do I or don't I?

What will people think? Will people hate the new addition the blog? Will you hate the sound of my voice just like I do? As you can see it was a VERY LONG thought process and a MASSIVE decision to make! 

Let's just hope and pray that I have made the right decision... 

Why might you ask? 

What  new addition have I made? 

For a while now, I have dropped many hints hinting at the new surprises I have for you. 

I wonder if anyone has actually guessed right... If you did, leave some comments below! 

If you didn't guess then I am really happy I have managed to keep the SnOg a surprise for you! I hope its a surprise and not more like a shock for you all! 

No more moaning, droning and trying to escape from sharing this blog post.... 

Here it goes.....  

(Head back up to the top if you haven't watched my first ever vlog for you all!) 

I bet you're all wondering what a SnOg is... It's pretty much a vlog, but I have taken all the videos on Snapchat. That's due to the fact I'm obsessed with using it to take my many selfies. But it's also down to the fact I prefer the way my face is angled/shown. 

I guess I just fancied making it my very own rather than following every other blogger's footsteps. I hope you all like it.

So join Scott and I on a little throwback to our footage of our very own first Summer holiday! 

Leave any comments below as I would be more than happy to hear your feedback... 

Oh and I almost forget to tell you.... My YouTube channel is: Anya Marie Ball, if you fancy checking it out... Then go ahead and click this link and it will take you straight there.... My Youtube Page 

Much Love As Always, Anya Marie xx
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1 comment

  1. I wanna snog Scott whilst I shove prawn crackers up his bum
