A quick holiday essential guide & A quick catch up with me... ✈️

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Good evening everyone, it's been a few days now hasn't it? How are you all doing? 

Are you looking forward to hearing what my monthly products are soon? I've been desperately wanting to share them with you all but there's nothing better than making you all wait! He-he!

So as you can see, I haven't been able to blog for a few days sadly :(! But as you all know, I am jetting off to Majorca in less than six days and it's been super busy sorting out the last few bits before leaving the Isle of Wight for a week! 

Plus, I have been super busy with dedicating my time to family as we have recently had my cousin Connor and Auntie Lynda down for a few days. Followed by, my auntie Mo and Uncle Alan who arrived on Sunday... I love being surrounded by my family!! Although, we all know family can be slightly annoying at times can't they ha-ha!! 

Not forgetting, to meet up with our lovely friends! It's always good to surround yourself with the ones closest to you as it always makes you smile and feel happy!! Nobody needs negativity right? 

Swiftly moving onto the main reason for this blog, you all know I'm off on holiday next week and I just couldn't resist posting a summery inspired inflatable donut ring for you all? We all love summer holidays don't we? 

How could I not share a summer essentials list for you all? 

When it comes to packing, that's pretty much a stressed zone for me ha-ha! I don't know if it's just me but I find myself packing at least twelve items of underwear and that's just the start! Ha-ha! 

So I guess I most definitely find it useful to have my diary planner at the ready as I write down at least two or three weeks before a very long detailed list in order to prepare myself for my travels! Ha-ha! 

I throw my hands up and quite willingly admit to the fact I over pack for every occasion! But like I always say, I would rather over pack than under pack as it's not like I could just pop home and bring an extra item with me, is it? 

I thought I would be helpful and help you all out with a summer holiday essential list as I know what the stress of packing is and after all you want your holiday to be stress free don't you? 

Join me and make a little helpful and handy summer holiday essential list: 

1) Sun Lotion - always remember to pack your sun cream ladies and gents! You don't want to come home with sun burn do you now? 

2) Sun glasses / accessories - I would always advise you to take your sunnies even if you wear them on your head as that's usually what I tend to do! In terms of accessories, I always think a nice bit of jewellery with a tan looks incredible! 

3) Crop tops - whether you take dressy or casual crop tops you can't ever have too many! I reckon I will find myself packing more than I already have, whoever invented crop tops are a genius as they're literally life during the summer fashion period. 

4) Playsuits/Jumpsuits - I always find taking a couple of playsuits or jumpsuits along with you will be perfect for the evening time if you're heading out for a meal or a stroll along the beach... It's just dressy and so pretty!

5) Pretty skirts and shorts - printed shorts and skirts are amazing for the summery inspired looks... During summer weather, I just can't seem to have enough of them so they will definitely be making many appearances! 

6) Shoes - as you have most likely noticed, I haven't stated what kind of shoes! I think this is the bit I struggle the most with! Packing and selecting the right shoes is my biggest struggle, I always find myself taking way too many but finding a reason to wear all of them anyway ha-ha! 

So I thought I would break it down into little sectors as it's easier for us all - 

- Flip flops, you will most definitely need around the pool or beach.

- Sandals are perfect for a casual or dressy look during the day time.

- A pair of court heels or platforms are most definitely perfect for the evening time! 

7) Beach essentials - beach bags, beach towels, beach hair products.... The list could go on and on and on but if you keep it pretty basic then you'll have more room to bring extra clothes ha-ha! That's my logic anyway!

You know the saying, 'keep it simple!' I would like to add on a extra part to that saying - 'Keep it simple and sassy!' - every girl needs her beauty products and fashion items so keep it in mind fellas! 

Most importantly, everyone I would love to say a happy year anniversary to my best friend and my boyfriend! Scott I love you very much! (Go and grab the sick bucket now everyone ha-ha!) 


I can't believe it's been a year already!! 

Anyway, night night everyone! I can't wait to share the upcoming blogs with you all!! 

Much Love As Always, Anya Marie xxx
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