Hey everyone, how is your Saturday going so far?!
Well I hope! I thought I would open this blog differently compared to my other blogs! It's always nice for a little change, isn't it?
With summer right around the corner, it's definitely time for some summer inspirations right?
From opening, the blog sharing sweet summer inspirational photos you can see how desperate I am for the summer weather to appear and stay!
It's actually, only 29 days until Scott and I go away on holiday to Majorca! - So I guess you can kind of understand, why I am searching for summery inspirational pictures etc! I guess I am hyping up for the holiday!!
It wouldn't be a 'Anya blog' without a selfie would it? So here's a little selfie I took yesterday morning, using my new Iphone!! Which can I just say takes amazing photos!! Plus, I think it really focuses in on my makeup a lot more now, don't you agree?
You all know, I have recently posted my second look book (the June book!) I had so much fun working on fitting the outfit inspirations together and sharing my fashion top tips with you all I just couldn't resist turning down another opportunity to share a few other summery looks!
So follow me for a little looksie at some summery inspired outfits of mine!
Now for those of you readers out there, who have read my blog from day one! You will know, that it's officially been over a year since I first started blogging! I know, it's crazy isn't it? I never thought, I would reach over 20,000 views in a year! I didn't even think I would manage 100 views but I have and I am so so so grateful!
I created a blog similar to this blog which I am currently writing - which is when I discovered the Polyvore app! I become, really obsessed with the app and created many summery inspired looks! Many of which, were based around my fashion sense at the time! Pretty similar to this outfit above! ^^
As you can see, my love for pink has never gone! I do have to say, I think I have become a lot bolder and even braver with trying out new looks and even new colours... But mainly black and white ha-ha!....
Anyway, before I get carried away with myself, you can see from the photo above that I have created quite a simple pinky and pearly white look! It' a pretty basic but sassy look to create, all you need is: a detailed bardot crop, a high waisted pair of shorts, sunnies, matching handbag and a pair of platform wedges!
It is literally that simple!
My second look, is very simple for a casual summery day time wear or even for a casual summer's evening wear!
I always think, dressing and styling simple looks create the most effective looks! I could be wrong, but they always seem to stand out a lot more in my eyes!! Sometimes, the cooling down look is the stylish way to dress!
All you need for this look is: a stripey crop top, a high waisted pair of mom style jeans, the new fisherman look platforms, backpack, sunnies, bronzer, a fedora hat and your lippy!
When you think of the summer months, what kind of colours appear in your mind?
For me, I base my summer colours around: pinks, prints, bright colours and mainly whites!
So when I stumbled across this beauty, I couldn't resist pairing it with: red heels, summery inspired makeup and a beautiful clutch bag!!
It's the most beautiful evening look I swear!
When I saw these pretty red dresses, I knew I had to mingle them both into one look as I simply couldn't choose between the two!
I adore the off the shoulder look I think it's very fashionable and certainly trendy! On the other hand, I love the strap bow detailed dress too as it has a certain 1980's feel towards the look!! Either way, both of them would make a superb look for a day time or evening wear!
As soon as I styled this look on my Polyvore app, I fell in love! It's one hundred and ten percent me! It's black and white with a hint of red or pink depending on which lipstick colour you choose to go for!
It's an easy look to pull off for the summer but it's an incredible sassy sort of look! It has a date look written all over it that's for sure!!
My final look for today has to be the simple beach day kind of look!
By now, you should all know that I am obsessed with prints and colourful shorts! I have thousands upon thousands in my wardrobe I just can't get enough of them!!
What I love about the printed shorts, is the fact that you can dress the look up or down but they still look beautiful regardless of which way you pick!
Grab a simple black or white crop top to go with the shorts, a pair of sandals or platforms and your looks complete!
I hope you have enjoyed reading a few extra sweet summery outfit inspirations of mine!!
Enjoy the weekend everyone!!
But before, I end this blog!! I would like to say a massive HAPPY FATHER'S DAY TO MY DADDY PAUL! Thank you for always being there regardless of the time! The endless amount of times you have picked me up when I've had a few too drink! Teaching me many of your tricks!! They will forever and always be in my heart!
I love you always! xx

Much Love As Always, Anya Marie xx
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