Dealing With Long Distant Relationships...

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Good evening everyone, 

How are you all? I hope your all well and happy :)!! 

I thought it would be apart time for me to share a long distant relationship blog with you all as you all know that my boyfriend Scott is more than one thousand miles away from me (well when I say a thousand miles away he actually isn't but it often feels like he is!), as he is currently living in Hull as he is at Hull university.

I must admit that it's not one hundred percent easy to deal with but it's bearable and what's important for me to make clear to you all is that I am so proud of Scott and the achievements he will make during his time at university! 

Moving away from home, from your family and your friends is a massive accomplishment and I am over the moon for you! You make me really proud to be yours (cringey, I know right but it's true?)

I guess what I wanted to share with all of you couples out there who are in the same boat some friendly advice and tips! :) I hope they help you all! 

Tip 1) You must remember that you have a life you need to carry on with as well, live your life like you normally would. For example, I always keep myself busy by working on my blog or going to work or making time for my family and friends. 

Tip 2) Don't be afraid to try out new things, or to take up new hobbies as time will fly by honestly! 

Tip 3) I would say making sure you make time for your partner, take the time to go and visit them. Just because their not with you everyday or because they don't live near you don't let them become a stranger and take the time to see them if you can fit it around work or education.

Tip 4) The most important thing is to make sure you keep in contact on a regular basis and always tell them that you care! 

Sometimes, there are days which are harder than others but that maybe because of an argument you have had with someone else or it's just been a tough day. It often feels like things pile on top of you, missing a partner can be a massive struggle but remembering that their doing something to better themselves is always something which should make you smile!

What's important to remember is if your happy and if you're then that's all that matters! Keep making things work and giving your one hundred percent to your relationship as that's what's important. But another point is to make sure you remember that there's two in the relationship and what your feeling the other person is most likely feeling so rather than dealing with things on your own don't be afraid to pick up the phone and let them know.! 

Other than that, keep yourself smiling and definitely keep yourself busy and time will fly by! 

I hope this helps you all! If you ever need to talk, let me know as I am always here to give some helpful advice! 

Lots of love, Anya x

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