Monday Motivation & Introducing My New Project...

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Morning To The Blogging World, 

Wow, another week begins!... So let's make every moment last within the 7 days we have!! 

It's been a while since, I have regularly posted online for you all and that's because I have been busy planning away with new things on the blog!! 

Adventure, is what I am seeking as it's time to live and not hideaway! Start embracing being you and take risks... 

Opportunities are always right around the corner, it's about being brave enough to say YES and grab them with both hands!

As your all probably aware on  my home page to the blog, there are a few new additions which loop you all over to the new pages that have become my new projects... 

Can you tell me what they are?!


Of course, one of the new additions to my blog is; Herbalife!!

Working with Herbalife, has been something I become very reliant on without a doubt of the first few moments of joining... It's something, you give your all or nothing too! 

I've been dying to share the excitement of joining Herbalife with you all as it's very close to home for me.! 

What with, holidays coming up left right and centre and of course the Summer gradually getting nearer and nearer as we enter into Great British Summer Time! It's definitely time to tone down the tricky treats and start eating more healthily! Hence, why my fridge contains; cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots and lots of milk for my new shakes! 

Sometimes, it's good to start new journeys for the experiences and to say you've tried. Replacing shakes work well for me rather than prepping three meals a day and it ensures that I will at least have something three times a day rather than snacking on all the wrong things!!

In other words, preparing my shakes in the mornings after I've come home from working the night shifts is easy to do but also enabling me to feel confident with doing them as I no longer need to worry about if I am eating etc...

I would often skip meals anyway, which of course is a very bad thing to do to your body. 

So saying goodbye to snacking, has become an easy thing to do as I've turned to my shakes! They make me feel very full up too which is always a good thing as I can't run to the shop anymore to grab snacks as I feel way too full! 

So thank you Herbalife.!.

Throughout, the next few months I am going to be focusing on sharing Herbalife with you and working on myself... So join me on my little journey to becoming a healthier me! 

Becoming, an adviser and part of the Herbalife team has truly overwhelmed and motivated me!...

Nonetheless, Herbalife aren't just the World of shakes they provide a great catalogue of items... From; Health Traits to Personal Care items... We truly are spoilt! 

My Blender is pretty snazzy, don't you think?

Its fair to say that there's a grand selection of exciting products! 

With my Mum and Nan being one of my most difficult critics as they both want me to strive for the best and succeed, I purchased the; Shampoo and Conditioners for them both for Mothering Sunday and to my greatest pleasure they both stated how they will no longer use any other Shampoo or Conditioners as it left their hair in perfect condition... Woohoo! I finally did something right!! 

Go Herbalife!

With revealing a few hints every now and then, it's fair to say I am #TEAM Herbalife and can't wait to share my journey but I would love it if you all could join me along the way! 

Keep on striving to be the you, that you want to be!

Much Love, 



Living In The City... | Winchester and I's Year Anniversary...!!| Featuring A Few Tips Of How To Live On Your Own...

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Hello Blogging World...!!

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What with it currently snowing, what better way to enter today with an inspirational and pretty interior look!.... It makes me feel like we have skipped another 9 months and head straight into the Christmas period.... 


Wow! Okay, well where do I start?... I'm slightly speechless! 

It's been a year since, I moved away from home! It's been a year since, I left the Isle of Wight and set sail to moving away from home and living in the City - Winchester! 

I mean, I'm going to be honest it really doesn't feel like a year... Time truly flies by super quickly!... 

Knowing where to start with writing this blog, I have found extremely difficult due to the fact I am overwhelmed that it's been a year since I decided to pack up and leave my hometown and family... Shocking, I know.!

For, one of the reasons that I left the Isle of Wight is due to wanting to experience becoming a 'proper' adult as even though I had a full time job it simply wasn't enough. I felt as if I was relying on my family far too much throughout day to day life. 

It's the simple things, that never really crossed my mind until I moved away. 

Returning home, to celebrate the fact that I moved away a year ago has certainly been interesting and emotional.

It's an eye opener, returning home and evaluating how much my life has changed... 

For throwback sakes, I thought I would share the exact selfie that I took on my very first morning in my new home in Winchester.

When you come to think about it, life changes daily. Many things change daily without us even noticing them. It often takes big steps to notice the small stepping stones that we have made daily. 

Moving away from home was most definitely one of my biggest steps!!... It's still very overwhelming to know it's been a day, let alone a year. I never expected to want to move or for it even to happen especially when I was only nineteen years. 

However, I did it and I'm proud of myself. 

To actually, sit here typing this blog is still quite; surprising, shocking, emotional and of course a proud moment of mine. The move happened so quickly and a year on I am still living in the City. WOW!

Posting this video on the blog, was pretty significant for the theme of the blog as it characterises how I took control of my life and become an adult... Though,  my mum is probably reading this and questioning whether that's the complete truth as of course when I return home I morph back into being the 'Baby Anya Marie' that everyone knows me to be.... HA!

On a positive note, I would say since moving away I've only relied on myself and become completely independent. 

I feel completely free and I'm not saying that I miss living at home because I do but I also have grown since taking the jump and landing on my own....

I wanted to share this with you all so that I can open up many more opportunities with future blogs for you all as I have a lot more to come in regards with now living in the City...

Until now, I am signing off and heading to my not so little cousins birthday dinner!!

Much Love As Always, 



A NEWLOOK Fashion Picks & Homely Pieces Of Mine...

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Happy Sunday, everyone... How's your Sunday going, so far? As you can see, mine's pretty full up with; resting, blogging and relaxing... I mean to me, that's pretty decent what about you guys?

There's nothing like the:....
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What with it being the New Year and all, I mean there's always an excuse or two to buy a few new homely pieces... Right?!

From my social media, I can certainly say I was more than excited to post this online! 

I feel like, NewLook have nailed the current trends with homely pieces as they certainly always encourage me to press the purchase button.

Who could resist a cheeky bargain? Certainly not, Anya Marie... 

NewLook have a massive Sale on, which of course has caused a few troubles for my Bank balance.!! (Silently, I am crying!!)

Let's be serious here, I probably didn't need to buy yet another accessory for my keys. Clearly, I need to unlock Fort Knox.

However, tempting it was to turn down a Rose Gold A key ring it simply couldn't be done and ended up finding it's way into my shopping basket... (oopsy!)

With the Autumn weather being far behind us and the Spring beginning to make an appearance it's fair to say the Rustic pinks and pretty deep shades of pinks/red colours are making quick appearances in our wardrobes, ladies!!

Plus, pairing off the shoulder cute tops with baggy or ripped jeans looks absolutely stunning for this time period! 

Off the shoulder tops are simply just must haves for this year, I swear!! Especially cute and simple black off the shoulder tops! 

I kind of saw this and it was definitely an impulse buy as the weather determined that I should invest in a jumper so that's exactly what I did... I love the black and white patterned style it reinforces and then the simple black trimming with yellow lines. 

So there we have it, that's a few pieces of mine which are most definitely my favourite now. MWAHHHH!!

Keep a look out for upcoming projects!

Much Love, 


Mummy B's 40th Birthday Celebrations & A Trip-away To Ledbury...

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Good Afternoon everyone, well it's been a few days... But I'm back! It's a typical day in England as it's gloomy and of course it's been spitting with rain here this morning.

Image result for rainy tumblr mornings

I mean, I typically go through Tumblr pictures on Instagram and head off into my World of daydreams... I mean, does anybody else do that?

To me, I can successfully say that my checklist has been ticked off for today!

- Wear baggy clothes until I finally have to get changed for work.....

- Messy hair all day!

- Stay in bed, until I really have to get up!

What a successful day, hey?

So anyway, I am sure from my social media you will have all seen by now that around Valentine's Day my family and I were away... That's because, it's my Mum's birthday the day beforehand! It's officially fair to say, she is now a sassy forty year old.! What better way than to share this post on Mothering Sunday too! 

As it's my mum's birthday post, I couldn't resist sharing this stunning photograph of her. Not a lot has changed other than her hair length.! 

I think it's fair to say, everybody was excited for the early road trip to Ledbury. My mini-me was of course very eager to spend her time with me!! I was super excited to spend a long few days with the family!! 

I mean, she's basically me!

It took a while for my Grandad to actually discover this was a Snapchat filter and not his own glasses. HA!

While, Nanny loved her bear ears! 

100%, she's me!... 

It comes to something, when your younger cousin is now a lot taller than you!

Special moments, create so many memories that you'll forever hold tightly by the side of you... You just need to keep a hold of them! 

Wow, I mean it's difficult planning things for my Mum due to the fact she is normally really good at discovering secrets....

However, we all managed to successfully surprise her!!

Heading away and staying in the beautiful Countryside was truly beautiful... Without Wifi and Signal, at first I was worried... However, being able to detox and spend time with my family for the few days we went away was lovely!

I hope you had an amazing birthday Mum, as you truly deserved it! 

Remember, your little girl loves you. 

P.S - New Project Alerts..... Coming Soon!! 

Much Love As Always, 

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